Monday, August 4, 2008



FROM ALLGAMES.COM NOTES: This was produced in January 2006 for game developer DAVID PERRY. It had to be two minutes and thirty seconds long, for an audience of non-gamers, and was to show what games might look like 5 years from now. Thus why some pre-rendered PS3 videos, and cut scenes were used. As for why there is no RPG collection, we thought about starting with Zork text and evolving but realized for a non gamer audience it wouldn't be easy to quickly explain role playing in a few clips. We will be doing a series of these in the future, check back. A short trip through the evolution of video games. From pixel to polygons, atari to HD, this is a visual ride through various video game genres as they evolved with new technology and talent from game developers. The clip was produced for a presentation made by game developer David Perry at the prestigious TED Conference in Marin County.

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