Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Halo 3 Multiplayer Footage "Is Quisnam Protero Damno!"

New Halo 3 Multiplayer Footage "Is Quisnam Protero Damno!"

EDIT: I am not allowing anymore comments due to all the recent ones being completey idiotic. Conversation between kakudmi, PrestoKey, and vedicknowledge. If you want to complain to each other about video games, send each other messages. Oh, btw, PS3 doesn't suck. People know it's better, but don't want to admit it. Like Microsoft themselves. I have a new Halo 3 video with all new footage from GC 2007. Look in my profile or the video responce section. New Halo 3 footage straight from Bungie. "Is Quisnam Protero Damno!" This ViDoc shows a lot of multiplayer and some of the new features such as the "Man Cannon", "Bubble Shield", and they brought back the Assault Rifle from the first Halo.

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