Gears of War - Mad World (Extended Version)
**READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING!(v.5)** [Updated.. AGAIN...] After seeing the latest Gears of War trailer, I made this "extended version" of it. This is NOT an official video. Leave your comments. Clips taken from: Song: "Mad World" by Michael Andrews feat. Gary Jules (BOTH of them) and can be found in the Donnie Darko OST. Michael is on piano, Gary's the vocal. Just so everyone knows... I don't have Gears or a 360 and I plan on getting a PS3. I request that there be no console wars(PS3 vs 360 vs Wii) in comments. All 3 consoles kick ass. It's just a matter or preference and how much money you wanna spend. Remember, you're here to comment on a video... NOT to start a fight between the Sony fans, Microsoft fans and Nintendo fans. And please don't post chain comments. If they were true, 3/4 of the people here would be dead already. I myself should be dead... over 30 times by now. Show no hostilities to other commentors... Stop asking me to email the video because I don't have it on my computer anymore. Sorry, but if you'd asked within 24 hours of me putting the vid up... you'd have had better chances. Don't verbally abuse me. What have I ever done to you, huh?
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